Physics, Computation, and the Mind: Advances and Challenges at Interfaces
Prof. jesus Cortes, Granada Univ
Prof. P. L. Garrido, Granada Univ
Prof. Joaquin Marro, Granada Univ
DATE OF EVENT : 17/09/2012 DURATION : 5 day(s)
LOCATION : *in La Herradura, Tropical Coast of Granada, Spain
Main speakers
Laurence F. Abbott, TBC, Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, Columbia University
Lucilla de Arcangelis, TBC, Ingegneria dell’Informazione, University of Naples II
William Bialek, TBC, Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, New Jersey
György Buzsaki, «Rhythms of the brain», Rutgers University, New Jersey
Dante Chialvo, «The brain is critical» (abstract), University of California, Los Angeles
Javier de Felipe, «The human nature of cortical circuits» (abstract), Instituto Cajal, C.S.I.C., Madrid
Stephen Grossberg, «Linking mind to brain through resonant and complementary computing: unifying vision, cognition, and action» (abstract), Boston University
Ramón Huerta, «Models of the insect brain for odor discrimination and decision making» (abstract), BioCircuits, University of California, San Diego
Gilles J. Laurent, TBC, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt
Joel L. Lebowitz, TBC, Center for Mathematical Sciences Research, Rutgers University
Henry Markram, TBC, Blue Brain Project, Cellular Neuroscience and Networks, EPFL, Lausanne
María V. Sánchez-Vives, «Slow and fast rhythms in the cerebral cortex» (abstract), Institut d’Investigatcions Biomédiques, CSIC, Barcelona
Lai-Sang Young, TBC, Courant Institute of Mathematica Sciences, New York University
Notes: Several conference talks will be invited from submitted abstracts «The best poster prepared by a PhD student and presented in this event will be granted the EPS Poster Prize (250€ and a certificate)” These pages contain the best available and constantly updated information; please visit them from time to time.