Prof. Livia Bose, Jussieu
Prof. Livia E. Bove, EPFL, Lausanne and Laboratoire IMPMC-UPMC, Jussieu, Paris, France
Prof. Giancarlo Franzese, Universitat de Barcelona
Prof. Jordi Marti, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
DATE OF EVENT : 12/06/2014 DURATION : 3 day(s)
LOCATION : ZCAM Campus Actur C/ Mariano Esquillor s/n Edificio I+D 50018 Zaragoza
URL : http://www.cecam.org/workshop-1089.html
Water is, undoubtedly, the most important and, arguably, the most fascinating liquid of all. A number of its peculiar properties are now well understood, but many of them are still remaining elusive. Given the relevance that water has in most of biological and chemical processes, improving its knowledge is essential for the development of a wide variety of areas, from physics, chemistry, geophysics, biology, atmospheric chemistry, food science, cryoscience, water treatment, electrocatalysis, biomedicine, to mention a few.
Europe has a large scientific community focusing on studying the properties of water from different standpoints and CECAM has organized several successful workshops related to modeling water under different conditions, including a seminal one in 1972 (CECAM Workshop on Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo on Water) organized by Berendsen, or more recent ones focused on specific aspects of water science. However, differently from other international communities, Europe lacks an initiative dedicated to bringing together water scientists from different areas involved in water science and to strength their synergy for a multidisciplinary approach to the understanding of water complexity.
WaterEurope aims to fill this space and gives a stage for European water researchers to seed and foster new collaborations among scientists coming from different backgrounds and sharing the same multidisciplinary interests about water and its uncommon properties. We believe that a European-based meeting gathering a significant number of the leading scientists working on theory, simulation and experiments involving water in different branches of science becomes thus mandatory. We think that the state of the art in this field requires a close collaboration among theories and experiments. To this goal, we propose to invite to this workshop also the leading experts in the main experimental fields involving water science in order to promote interaction with theorists and cross-fertilization.