What is ZetaCam
ZCAM stands for «Zaragoza Scientific Center for Advanced Modeling»: the center is aiming at becoming the spanish node of CECAM, the European network of centers dedicated to the computational sciences. More specifically when it is used for modeling the structure of matter, starting at the atomistic and molecular level. CECAM was founded by Carl Moser, in Orsay, during the year 1969; Cecam headquarters are now located in the EPFL in Lausanne. CECAM is based on a convention between national funding and research-performing organizations: 19 organizations from 9 different countries are CECAM members and represented at its Council. More on CECAM here.
ZCAM is now being founded on the basis of a convention between three Spanish Institutions: the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation (Mineco), the Aragon Government (DGA) and the University of Zaragoza (UZ). Similar initiatives have been taken at the same time in some other CECAM supporting countries, following a decision of the Cecam Council to upgrade Cecam’s infrastructure . The updated list of CECAM nodes can be found here.
The last years have seen a rapid increase of the domain of simulations based on atomistic modeling and aiming at predicting matter physical properties and understanding its behavior. This results not only from an ever-increasing computing capacity but also from algorithmic developments and large codes made widely available. The field is evolving fast: new algorithms, better approximations as well as larger systems are being investigated with success. This leads scientists to rely more and more on computational approaches.
Europe has kept a forefront position in computational sciences research and, in its own field, CECAM has been instrumental in this respect, giving more emphasis on ideas and algorithms than just relying on larger computing power capacity. The new CECAM structure has been set in order to increase cooperation in the field, allowing teams in each countries to contribute to progress at the highest level.
The aim of ZetaCam is to be the entry point for the Spanish communities into this global effort and to offer groups located in Spain more contacts and collaborations at the best possible level of excellence.
If you want to participate to a ZCAM activity, you should contact one of the organizers of that activity (accepting participants is under their responsibility): in order to do this, you can register in the User’s space (menu above) and you will be given necessary email addresses to establish contact.
The instruments which are available are
Workshops: between 20 to 50 participants meet 3 to 4 days to exchange latest results on a timely and important subject and exchange ideas for future progress. Emphasis is on discussions and every participant is active. One call per year, deadline mid-july.
Mini-workshops: between 5 and 10 participants for a day or 2 to discuss a collaboration possibly leading to a larger workshop. No call or deadline, rapidly decided.
Tutorials: dedicated to researchers starting a new computational technique and willing to be rapidly productive. Call in July.
Conferences: in particular research conferences gathering around 100 participants in a topic, with a conference director given responsibility of the scientific content
Research Projects: of national or international dimension, with a role of catalyst or participant for Zcam
All activities are selected following a review process. Workshops are reviewed by CECAM Scientific Advisory Committee, whose membership is available here. The review follows a call, published on the Cecam web site and whose deadline is usually in July, each year. Instructions are available on the Cecam web site for on-line submissions and Zaragoza’s location choice.
If you want to submit a proposal for a workshop or a tutorial, you will have to do it online on the CECAM web server: instructions and advices can be found on their web page. For participating in other activities and/or further information, you can contact ZCAM’s director.