M. Verónica Ganduglia-Pirovano (ICP-CSIC, Spain)
Rubén Pérez (IFIMAC-UAM, Spain)
Paola Luches (NANO-CNR, Italy)
Mario A. Rocca (U. Genoa, Italy)
Geoff Thornton (UCL-London, UK)
Falko Netzer (U. Graz, Austria)
Adrián Velázquez Campoy (ZCAM-BIFI-UNIZAR, Spain)
DATE OF EVENT : 03/07/2023 DURATION : 5 day(s)
LOCATION: ZCAM- UNIZAR, Campus Actur C/ Mariano Esquillor s/n Edificio I+D 50018 Zaragoza
A new energy economy is needed which has to be more efficient, clean and sustainable. Functional oxide-based energy materials hold the greatest promise for both, energy storage and conversion. Metal oxides are stable and abundant materials to be used for energy applications. Metal-oxide ultrathin films and nanostructures are most versatile in terms of electronic structure, chemical, and physical properties but deriving structure-property-function relationships for these often structurally and chemically very dynamic materials is challenging. Nanostructured oxides offer a new paradigm for the development of catalytic, photochemical, electrochemical and electronic materials. This meeting will focus on four different areas where understanding, controlling and enhancing the functionalities of oxides for energy solutions play a crucial role, namely, oxides in catalytic and electrochemical energy science as well as in photochemical energy transformation and the design of nanostructured oxide-based materials. This needs in-depth scientific debate from leaders across the community.
Alex Schluger (UCL- London, UK)
Annabella Selloni (U. Princeton, USA)
Edvin Lundgren (U. Lund, Sweden)
Eric Altman (Yale, USA)
Joerg Libuda (U. Erlangen, Germany)
Jose A. Rodriguez (Brookhaven BNL, USA)
Livia Giordano (U. Milano, Italy)
Rob Lindsay (U. Manchester, UK)
Ulrike Diebold (TU Vienna, Austria)
Yi Gao (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, China)
Adrian Bonivardi (INTEC-CONICET-UNL, Argentina)
Albert Bruix (UB Barcelona, Spain)
Arturo Martinez Arias (ICP-CSIC, Spain)
Beate Taudul (LCT – Sorbonne Université, France)
Claudine Noguera (INSP – Sorbonne Université, France)
Claudio Cazorla (UPC Barcelona, Spain)
Clemens Barth (U. Marseille, France)
Daniel Farias (UAM, Madrid, Spain)
Dave Grinter (Diamond Light Source, UK)
Eleonora Spurio (U. Modena, Italy)
Enrique Ortega (U. Pais Vasco, Spain)
Florian Kraushofer (TUM-Muenchen, Germany)
Gianfranco Pacchioni (U. Milan, Italy)
Greg Cabailh (INSP – Sorbonne Université, France)
Henrik Gronbeck (Chalmers University, Sweden)
Herbert Over (Justus-Liebig Universität Giessen, Germany)
Hicham Idriss (KIT, Germany)
Hiroshi Onishi (U. Kobe, Japan)
Jacek Goniakowski (INSP – Sorbonne Université, France)
Jan Balajka (TU-Wien, Austria)
Jan Ingo Flege (U. Cottbus, Germany)
Javier Fernandez Sanz (U. Seville, Spain)
Jeppe V. Lauritsen (INANO, Aarhus, Denmark)
Jesús Graciani (U. Seville, Spain)
Jiří Pavelec (TU-Wien, Austria)
Joachim Paier (U. Erlangen, Germany)
Juan de la Figuera (IQFR-CSIC, Spain)
Junfa Zhu (USTC-Hefei, China)
Kersti Hermansson (U. Uppsala, Sweden)
Konstantin Neyman (UB Barcelona, Spain)
Martin Sterrer (U. Graz, Austria)
Matthias Meier (TU-Wien, Austria)
Michael Reichling (U. Osnabrueck, Germany)
Michele Reticcioli (U. Wien, Austria)
Miguel Manso (UAM-Madrid, Spain)
Niklas Nilius (U. Oldenburg, Germany)
Oscar Custance (NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan)
Pablo Lustemberg (ICP-CSIC, Spain)
Slavica Stankic (INSP – Sorbonne Université, France)
Thomas Risse (FU-Berlin, Germany)
Yaroslava Lykhach (U. Erlangen, Germany)
Yuemin Wang (KIT, Germany)
Alejandro Fernandez García (UAM-Madrid, España)
Estefanía Férnandez Villanueva (ICP-CSIC, Spain)
Carlos Morales Sánchez (U. Cottbus, Germany)
Charlotte Hall (Diamond Light Source, UK)
Francisco Javier Fernández Alonso (UAM-Madrid, España)
Jannik Evers (U. Osnabrueck, Germany)
Jolla Kullgren (U. Uppsala, Sweden)
Jordi Morales (ICIQ-Tarragona, Spain)
Julian Geiger (ICIQ-Tarragona, Spain)
Marco Corrias (U. Wien, Austria)
Peter Brokvist (U. Uppsala, Sweden)
Verónica M. Sánchez (INQUIMAE-CONICET-UBA, Argentina)
Zhaozong Sun (INANO, Aarhus, Denmark)
Poster A0 size is 84.1 x 118.9 cm – ONLY portrait orientation.
Best Poster Awards
The Best Poster Awards recognizes outstanding work by Young Researchers.
Student Poster Awards will be offered, and the ranking will be decided by the Poster Prize Committee. The Poster Prize Committee will evaluate the quality of the posters using the following criteria:
- Scientific Quality
- Originality
- Clarity
- Self-explanatory
- Poster Design
List of participants
Full Name | Category | Country |
Full Name | Category | Country |
Ulrike Diebold | Invited speaker | Austria |
Eric Altman | Invited speaker | USA |
Jan Ingo Flege | Invited attendee | Germany |
Junfa Zhu | Invited attendee | China |
Juan de la Figuera | Invited attendee | Spain |
Alejandro Fernández | Poster | España |
Carlos Morales | Poster | Alemania |
Francisco Javier Fernandez Alonso | Poster | Spain |
Kersti Hermansson | Invited attendee | Sweden |
Miguel Manso Silván | Invited attendee | Spain |
Livia Giordano | Invited speaker | Italy |
Martin Sterrer | Invited attendee | Austria |
Yuemin Wang | Invited attendee | Deutschland |
Thomas Risse | Invited attendee | Germany |
Robert Lindsay | Invited speaker | United Kingdom |
Adrian L Bonivardi | Invited attendee | Argentina |
Javier Fdez. Sanz | Invited attendee | España |
Jiri Pavelec | Invited attendee | Austria |
Estefanía Fernández Villanueva | Poster | España |
David Grinter | Invited attendee | UK |
Eleonora Spurio | Invited attendee | Italia |
Geoff Thornton | Organizer | UK |
Jolla Kullgren | Poster | Sweden |
Reticcioli Michele | Invited attendee | Austria |
Peter Broqvist | Poster | Sweden |
Arturo Martínez Arias | Invited attendee | España |
Yi Gao | Invited speaker | China |
Slavica Stankic | Invited attendee | France |
Matthias Meier | Invited attendee | Austria |
Mario Rocca | Organizer | Italy |
Jesus Graciani | Invited attendee | España |
Beata Taudul | Invited attendee | France |
Jose A Rodriguez | Invited speaker | United States |
Albert Bruix | Invited attendee | Spain |
Michael Reichling | Invited attendee | Germany |
Jan Balajka | Invited attendee | Austria |
Charlotte Hall | Poster | United Kingdom |
Enrique Ortega | Invited attendee | Spain |
Paola Luches | Organizer | Italia |
Daniel Farías | Poster | Spain |
Julian Geiger | Poster | Spain |
Veronica Muriel Sanchez | Poster | Argentina |
Hicham Idriss | Invited attendee | Germany |
Jannik Evers | Poster | Germany |
Herbert Over | Invited attendee | Germany |
Jacek Goniakowski | Invited attendee | France |
Florian Kraushofer | Invited attendee | Germany |
Yaroslava Lykhach | Invited attendee | Germany |
Konstantin NEYMAN | Invited attendee | Spain |
Zhaozong Sun | Poster | Denmark |
Jeppe Vang Lauritsen | Invited attendee | Denmark |
Alexander Shluger | Invited speaker | UK |
Cabailh | Poster | France |
Marco Corrias | Poster | Austria |
NOGUERA Claudine | Invited attendee | France |
Jordi Morales Vidal | Poster | Spain |
Henrik Grönbeck | Invited attendee | Sweden |
Falko P. Netzer | Organizer | Austria |
Joachim Paier | Invited attendee | Germany |
Hiroshi Onishi | Poster | Japan |
Hiroshi Onishi | Invited attendee | Japan |
Annabella Selloni | Invited speaker | United States |
Niklas Nilius | Invited attendee | Germany |
Oscar Custance | Invited attendee | Japan |
Gianfranco Pacchioni | Invited attendee | Italy |
Pablo G. Lustemberg | Invited attendee | Spain |
Claudio Cazorla | Invited attendee | Spain |
Edvin Lundgren | Invited speaker | Sweden |
Ruben Perez | Organizer | España |
Clemens Barth | Poster | France |
Clemens Barth | Invited attendee | France |
Ulrike Diebold | Invited speaker | Austria |
Joerg Libuda | Invited speaker | Germany |
Maria Veronica Ganduglia-Pirovano | Organizer | Spain |
Abstract submission and registration should be done before May 15th, 2023, and payment should be done before May 31st, 2023.
Please upload your abstract using the provided template and indicate whether you are submitting for an oral (Invited Speaker or Invited Attendee) or poster presentation filling the proper category field.
Arrangements have been made for accommodation at Hotels for 66 €/night. (single room and breakfast and taxes included). These rooms can only be reserved through the Conference Secretary. For further information please contact Beatriz Antoli, bantoli@unizar.es, indicating room preference (single, double) and the arrival and departure dates.
You will be informed later on to which Hotel you have been assigned.
Hotel reservation through the Conference Secretary should be done before May 15th, 2023
The registration fee is 300 € and it includes:
- Admission to all scientific sessions
- Access to the exhibition area
- Program & Book of Abstracts through the website during the conference
- Coffee breaks during the congress period
- Lunches and Conference dinner
- Walking tour
Payment should be done by wire transfer to the following Bank Account of the University of Zaragoza. We cannot accept credit card payments.
ACCOUNT HOLDER Universidad de Zaragoza
IBAN: ES74 2085 0111 7703 3132 1997
SWIFT/BIC Code: (must be used for international wires outside Europe)
In the concept of the Transfer you should include your name(s), and surname.
Those who need an Invoice for their payment or HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH INTERNATIONAL WIRE TRANSFERS, should send an email to Beatriz Antoli (bantoli@unizar.es).
If your are bringing an accompanying person please indicate it in the registration form. If you are asking for a hotel room a double room will be provided. If you want him/her to attend the conference dinner, please send an email to Beatriz Antoli (bantoli@unizar.es).
Will be available before the conference.